How to Create - Write - Share and Recieve 
Your Lifestyle Career in 4 weeks

We Begin September 5th, 2023

You are a highly intuitive person

Highly creative

Most likely empathic – meaning you can feel the energies of others beyond just their words

An undercover healer where everyone you touch is usually left better because of you

You naturally have 2390458029 thoughts running through your mind at any one time

Your friends, bosses and collages often tell you to slow down you are moving too fast

And you have a great life BUT SOMETHING IS MISSING
Something deep under the surface does not feel right

It feels empty


You’ve done everything “you were supposed to do” on paper to build the picture-perfect resume and life…

So how did you do everything according to plan, but something is still missing?

Well, this happens because you were “the good one” always doing as you were told to do

But you lost your own heart

Your own dreams

Your own desires of what true freedom, happiness and a life of fulfillment looks like

You created a life manufactured from the matrix and media rather than by design

So, how do you begin to transform this?

Well, step one you must begin to accept the truth of who you are

Which is a highly intuitive, empathic healer and leader

You are someone who leads by emotion

You lead with mysticism from the Universe, which does not operate on logic

You “doing” all the right things to get logical results has brought you to this point


Well because "doing" what you should has led you to suppress the truth of yourself, which is the magic of why people fall in love with you

And it’s contributed to your emotional instability, unwellness and possible major health issues

Because you’ve done everything possible to suppress the magic of why people want to be led, activated, and awakened through your work

So that “you’ll fit in,” be “accepted,” and “feel a sense of belonging”

And this all began to change for me

When I stopped trying to "fit in" and instead started to express who I truly was with no fear of what others would think about me

See I always knew I was meant to be a full-time communicator 

To become a full-time messenger, "channeler," writer, and utilize authentic expression to support others to go through transformation by language

However, everything changed for me five years ago 

When I learned how to write and communicate in an effective manner that supported me in creating my life by design

To communicate and share my thoughts in a way that supported me to receive money and guide others to solve their problems through my own life experience

Instead of trying so hard to force myself into the matrix paradigm

Force myself to do a career that made me good money so that one day I could enjoy my life 

And when I begin to completely change my lifestyle, the way I communicated and perceived life 

I completely healed from my long-term cancer diagnosis and began to have a career I loved

Now I want this for you!

I am opening enrollment to support you, the next magical, empathic, overachiever to awaken from the matrix paradigm
For you to begin to create your life by design instead of from default

For you to no longer feel alone, unfulfilled, and wondering, is there all there is to this life?

Instead, through this four-week experience, we go on a journey to support you in writing, communicating, and sharing your intuitive thoughts

The thoughts that support your dreams that have been seeded in your mind by the Divine

The thoughts within you that you are afraid to share because you don’t want to appear “crazy”
 or excluded from your current friend circle or career

And I know this all too well because after I was diagnosed with cancer at age 14, I suffered for nine long years with communication

How to effectively communicate emotions instead of having temper tantrums, giving the silent treatment?

How to express emotions through writing, videos, coaching, books, courses, products, art, etc., to create a career from emotions?

How to write in a way that supported others to have their problems solved through authentic expression instead of feeling a headache, drained and worried that I’d bring drama to the table?

So, in this four-week experience, I am going to share with you practical and tangible steps on

How to effectively communicate in life and online to further advance your purpose work to grow a community and create a career from it?

How to leverage your empathic abilities to become a production source for you to communicate in a way that helps other people, which is what you truly want while making money?

How to create your life by design instead of default through writing and communication patterns?

How to better understand digital media as a career growth tool for you to support people in your existing network to begin to heal, be well, and active in their Consciousness?

How to begin communicating and using your mystical in a way that empowers you to have a career that impacts others and lets you receive uncapped income?

And so much more

The core theme you will walk away with is knowing how to write and communicate the truth of who you are (as a magical overachiever) so that you can create a career that impacts others while earning uncapped income!

    The Deliverables of How to Create - Write - Share and Recieve 
    Your Lifestyle Career in 4 weeks

    We Begin September 5th, 2023

    • Four Recorded Videos per each module - each about 60 minutes 
    • ​PLUS a bonus meditation and sound therapy
    • ​Four LIVE Application Calls - where as a group we apply this weeks lessons with real time feedback from myself, coaching and live practice - 1 per week starting September 5th  - the live Q&A's are all recorded (if you cannot attend live) and you have lifetime access - 
    • ​Lifetime Access to the Recorded Teachings + updates of the course
    • ​VIP - One 1:1 call with myself for personalized feedback on your writing, subconscious reprogramming and emotionally communication improvement as business skills
    • ​24/7 access to me to ask me for 30 days to ask me daily questions and mindset shifts

    What People Say


    I didn't even know why I signed up for this course or why I needed it. 
    However, by the time I was done I felt more confident in the way I experience reality and Colleen gave me real tangible ways I could monetize my gifts with the world.


    Before this course I thought I needed to go back to school in order to lead my heart-centered business. From this course I saw that right now I could begin sharing my knowledge on healing. This led me to take action to create a webinar training with many attendees and a few sales

    Colleen Gallagher

    Colleen Gallagher is known as an Intuitive Magical Being whereby simply being around her career and personal life develops into a real-life fairytale. A childhood cancer survivor who healed through holistic methods.
     A global citizen who has traveled to 46 countries and lived in five countries and five USA states by the age of 29. An advocate for everyone to have an opportunity to live their dreams. She is soon to be a Doctor in Philosophy focused on Global Leadership and Change in August 2023. A published author of four books, and the host of The Colleen Gallagher podcast.

    Her greatest success is seeing her clients fall in love with life by overcoming trauma and life challenges and creating a lifestyle that impacts the world and creates financial abundance. Colleen empowers leaders and businesses to come to a newfound clarity of their mission so that they can better understand their gifts while taking calculated action to grow their careers. Colleen offers these experiences through online courses, in-person retreats, podcast, books, and products. She is thrilled to hear from you.

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